
Reading at Baguley Hall is essential in everyday school life. We encourage children to read for pleasure daily as well providing sructure lessons in reading. Reading throughout the curriculum allows children to develop their vocabulary and understanding in all subjects. 

Guided Reading

Guided reading is taught in all classes and is where the teaching teaches reading and comprehension to pupils. At Baguley Hall, we use the VIPERS to develop comprehension and understanding. 

V - Vocabulary

I - Inference

P - Predict

E - Explain

R - Retrieve

S - Sequence (KS1). Summarise (KS2)

For more information please please see VIPERS information below. 

5-a-day and 3-a-day Books

To support the development of children's early vocabulary, in Nursery, Rececption and KS1, children enjoy repeated readings of quality texts, 3 or 5 times a day, every day, for a week. Each shared session is carefully planned to suport the understanding and embedding of new vocabulary.





Key Stage 1 

KS1 Story Time/Class Novel Overview

This overview recommends books for children in Key Stage One to hear through class storytime. This list was created using a recommended text lists and through links to other curriculum topics.

At Baguley Hall we subscribe to the Salford Library Lending Service therefore this list is subejct to change depening on the books we recieve in our topic or author boxes. 

This year 2021/2022 we have used this list and the Ruth Miskin talk though stories units to create a half termly focus for each classes story time.


To help support children in LKS2, following the school closure, fro the Autumn term, they are also  having a regular 3 a day text. These have been planned using recommended reads for LKS2 and are linked to class topics.

Reading for Pleasure and Across the Curriculum

Our intent is develop children's love of reading. We aim to do this in various ways including: 

  • Giving children in the independence to choose their own books within their reading range. This is managed through the Accelerated Reader programme. 
  • Teachers sharing their own love of reading with children during class novel time and phase assemblies.
  • Developing Teachers as Readers and increasing staff knowledge of new and quality texts.
  • Teachers reading aloud to children to model the enjoyemnt of reading. 
  • Having a wide selection of books that link to the wider curriculum that excite and inspire children.

 Below are the reading spines for KS2 linked to the wider in curriculum. In the EYFS and KS1, children a read a story everyday to develop their love of reading too.

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