Physical Education has a rich history at Baguley Hall Primary School and has always been celebrated. Throughout the year, our children are given the opportunity to represent the school at sporting competitions, meaning they also get to experience all aspects of Physical Education outside of the school day during clubs and competitions. Physical Education at Baguley Hall is taught weekly over a two year cycle from Year 1. Our curriculum is enhanced with a health and fitness week where children are exposed to a wider range of sports through outside visitors and wider school sporting events.
The Physical Education curriculum at Baguley Hall is planned and structured to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, supporting them to perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. These include dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety (KS2), athletics and outdoor adventure activities. We also work to ensure that our Physical Education allows children to understand their bodies in action and that it promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.
In line with the national curriculum 2014, the curriculum at Baguley Hall aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives.
During our weekly games lessons, children from Year one to Year six are taught by our sports coach . For gym and dance lessons, teachers follow the Val Sabin scheme of learning.
The Val Sabin Gym overview: