Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

SEND at Baguley Hall

Our mission for children with special educational needs and disabilities is the same as for all children – that they achieve their full potential and are successfully prepared for their positive futures in the community. Here at Baguley Hall, we are committed to giving every child a broad and balanced curriculum, with reasonable adjustments provided for every individual need. We work in close partnership with parents and carers to understand every child's unique situation, valuing and trusting their input in all stages of the SEND process. 

graduatedapproach.jpgWe work on a constant reflective cycle with our pupils; carrying out assessments, planning according to the identified individual needs, delivering tailored provision, and regularly reviewing the impact to ensure effectiveness and make adjustments accordingly.


Mrs McDowell 

Mrs Whitesmith  (Mrs Whitesmith is currently on Maternity Leave) 

Contact us via email: senco@baguleyhall.manchester.sch.uk or phone via the school office: 0161 998 2090

Support for parents and carers

Lifted Centre

LiftedMCR is in the centre of Wythenshawe. They offer support and advice to parent-carers of children with special educational needs. They can offer you one-to-one appointments, or drop-in sessions, where they will help you complete forms or chat to you about your concerns.

No appointments needed on Mondays -  drop in any time between 11am – 2pm

Or, to make an appointment, phone Emma 07385 568990 or Sue 07384 784262.

Click here to see the latest Lifted events


Manchester's Local Offer

The Local Offer helps children, young people and their parents to understand what services and support they can expect from a range of local agencies. They also host special events, lunches, days out and craft sessions.

One part of the Local Offer is Short Breaks - services for disabled children and young people with Special Educational Needs, rare disorders and chronic medical conditions age 0 - 17 years inclusive. 

A short break can range from an activity which lasts an hour or two through to a few days away from home, and includes day, evening, overnight, weekend and holiday activities. These activities provide a positive experience for the child as well as giving parents and carers a break from their caring duties.

Click here to see when and where the latest Local Offer drop-in sessions are happening


Information, Advice and Support Manchester (IASM) offers free, confidential, impartial advice for parents and carers of children with SEND.

E-mail: sendiass@manchester.gov.ukor info@iasmanchester.org

Telephone: 0161 209 8356 remember to leave an answerphone message so they can get back to you.

Open Monday-Friday 8.30 am-3.30 pm

The SEND Information Report and Policy - please click on the document below to read an overview of how Baguley Hall supports children with SEND.