
Baguley Hall Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and rights of all our children. We require all staff, volunteers and visitors to share our commitment.

These members of staff have all received safeguarding designated person training so please feel free to approach them with any questions or concerns:

Safeguarding Team: Kate Bulman (DSGL), Tracy Cooper(DDSGL),  Clair Goulding, Lisa Wilkinson (PSA)

Children and Families Team: Tracy Cooper, Lisa Wilkinson

Attendance Support Officers: Glynis Braddock, Leanne Herbert

 All our staff work to ensure children are protected by upholding their UNCRC rights at all times.

Article 6: Every child has the right to life and to be healthy.

Article 12: Every child has the right to say what they think should happen and to be listened to.

Article 13: Every child has the right to information.

Article 19: Every child should be looked after and kept safe.  

Article 28: Every child has a right to an education.

Article 36: Every child should be protected from doing things that could harm you.

Article 39: Children should be special help if they have been abused.

Useful Links and Documents

Information and Support for Parents and Carers (including national and local agencies and organisations)

Local Authority Resources

Manchester Safeguarding Children’s Board

Manchester City Council’s child protection procedures


NSPCC- Signs, Symptoms, Effects of Domestic Abuse 

NSPCC- Keeping Children Safe from Domestic Abuse

Respect Phone Line- advice for perpetrators of domestic violence 

NSPCC- What to do if you are worried about a child

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Parent Guide to Children’s Wellbeing

50 Ways to Take a Break

Be Nice to Yourself

Coping Skills

Sensory Safety Tool

Self Harm- NSPCC

Self-Harm- Childline

Self-Harm- Young Minds

Sleep Problems in Children

Headspace- an app that helps you practice mindfulness with your children

Tip sheet – Helping your child to be happy – Supporting wellbeing

Tip sheet – Getting support to help your child to be happy

Tip sheet – Self Esteem

Young person’s journey – Mental Health

Information and resources specifically for anxiety in children:

Young Minds


NHS Choices

NSPCC’s Positive Parenting- a guide to discipline and setting boundaries for your child

Topical Safeguarding Issues

Stranger Danger- a guide for parents

NSPCC- Is your child ready to go out on their own?

Hate Crimes- list of 3rd Party Reporting Centres in South Manchester


The ‘Prevent’ Strategy- a guide for parents

Protecting Children from Extremism- a guide for parents/carers

Prevent Mythbuster

Critical Incidents

Supporting Children at Times of Crisis

The effects of trauma- information for young people

Critical Incident Information for Parents

Useful Contacts

Children's Services– 0161 234 5001

Manchester Mental Health Trust– 0161 882 1000

Manchester City Council Emergency Housing (out of hours)- 0161 234 5001

Manchester Move for Advice on your Housing Options and for Emergency Accommodation (women only)- 0333 900 9032

42nd Street (Mental Health Service for Young People) - 0161 228 1888

Mustard Tree (support for those who are in need of food parcels and other items) - 0161 228 3721

Wood Street Mission (helping families living in poverty with everyday items) - 0161 834 3140

Boaz Trust (service for destitute asylum seekers)-  0161 202 1056

Refugee Action– 0161 441 4100

Female Genital Mutilation (provide a trans-cultural theraputic service to women who have undergone FGM) - 01706 868 993

Karma Nirvana (support to victims and survivors of forced marriage and honour based abuse)- 0800 5999 247

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