Design Technology

At Baguley Hall Primary School we believe Design and Technology prepares children to take part in the development of today’s rapidly changing world. Our curriculum aligns with the National Curriculum and enables children to use their imagination and creativity to design, make and evaluate products for a range of purposes and contexts. Design and technology at Baguley Hall equips children with a broad range of progressive knowledge and skills across the phases. Through reflecting and evaluating past and present design and technology, our children will develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.

“High- quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation”. (The National Curriculum 2014).

At Baguley Hall Primary School we aim to engage, challenge and inspire our children to be innovative and resourceful so that they become inventive and creative citizens. Our Design and Technlogy curriculum is delivered through the following strands:

  • Structures

  • Mechanisms and Mechanical Systems

  • Food technology

  • Electrical Systems (KS2)

  • Digital Systems (KS2)

Within every unit , the same lesson structure is followed:

Lesson 1- Explore and evaluate existing products

Lesson 2- Learn a new skill

Lesson 3 - Design a new product

Lesson 4 - Make a new product

Lesson 5 - Make a new product

Lesson 6 - Evaluate the product 

Our curriculum ensures that children  develop creative, technical and practical expertise  in order to succeed in an ever-growing technological world. New skills and knowledge are linked to previous learning to ensure that all children achieve the National Curriculum aims:

  • develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world

  • build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users

  •  critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others

  •  understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.

Design technology is taught termly across cycles :

cycle 1 snip.PNG
cycle 2 snip.PNG

For more information please read the documents below.