Learning in the EYFS

In our EYFS, children learn through a thematic curriculum which provides contextual learning focusing on English and Maths skills and the introduction and exploration of the vocabulary which will underpin subject specific learning in KS1 and KS2.

Our children learn phonics through Read Write Inc (RWI) and Maths through Mastering Number and Power Maths. These cover all aspects of the EYFS framework .

For more information on the EYFS framework, please follow the link https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-foundation-stage-framework--2

To promote further development of our EYFS curriculum, we have introduced a new Literacy scheme in September 2024.

Our Curriculum overview is being reviewed to reflect the new scheme throughout 2024 25.

For more details about the content of our curriculum, please follow the links below.

Nursery Overview.PNG
Nursery Spring overview.png
Reception Overview.PNG

Our EYFS curriculum is designed to create the foundations for the subject specific learning that the children will begin in KS1