The development of children’s Mathematical understanding, skills and confidence is a priority at Baguley Hall.
We are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of Maths in the wider World and that they are also able to use their Mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives, now and in the future, in a range of different contexts, at work and at home.
At Baguley Hall, we follow the Power Maths Whiterose scheme of learning. Children are taught using a whole class mastery approach that follows the concrete, pictorial and abstract strategies to embed understanding. Each unit is sequenced in small steps and lessons follow the same structure daily.
As stated in National Curriculum ‘Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas.’ At Baguley Hall we ensure that all pupils become fluent, reason mathematically and solve problems. We encourage all children to have a ‘CAN DO’ attitude towards mathematics and to think mathematically, enabling them to reason, solve problems and assess risk in a range of contexts.
Our Power Maths curriculum ensure that pupils:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals in maths… with increasingly complex problems over time.
- Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
- Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication.
- Are confident at understanding the maths vocabulary associated with the maths they are learning and it helps them to make connections.
In Recepetion and Key stage 1 children follow the NCETM Mastering Number programme to secure firm foundations in number sense and fluency with calculations.
In Years 4 and 5, children follow the NCETM Mastering Number programme to develop their fluency with multiplication and division facts and flexibilty with number.
Times table Rock Stars (TTRS)
Every chid in schoool from Year 1 has a Times Tables Rock star account. Children develop their fluency in Mulitiplication and division through the Times Table Rockstar programme.
Children are encouraged to practice their times tables in school and also at home. You can log into the TTRS website here
In addition to our daily maths lessons, children are given the opportunity to achieve a Times Table Award every half term. For each award children recieve a badge that they wear proudly as part of their uniform.
The awards are Bronze, Silver. Gold and Platinum.
Bronze - 2, 3, 5 and 10 multiplication tables
Silver - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 multiplication tables
Gold - all multiplication tables from 1 to 12.
Platinum - all multiplication tables from 1 to 12 with the inverse, squared and cubed numbers, square and cube root and decimal multiplication.