Read Write Inc

Read Write Inc is used from R - Y6 for the  teaching of reading and spelling. Once phonics is secured children move onto Ruth Miskin Comprehension Units and then our English Curriculum based on Ruth Miskin's Language and Literacy. Applied reading skills are further developed during Guided Reading Sessions (where books may stand alone, or be linked to topic), 1:1 reading support provision and with our Home Reader collections. When they are securing their phonic knowledge, children bring home books they can phonically decode. As they develop their fluency, they will experience a wider range of books and then in KS2 the Accelerated Reader Programme gives them some autonomy in selecting appropriate books and monitoring their progress.

To help children read it is important that children use pure sounds. Doing this will help them to blend the sounds together in words.

Click here to see how to pronounce each sound correctly.


To find out more information visit the Ruth Miskin website which has lots of useful information for parents. 

Useful Websites:

Ruth Miskin Parents’ Page:

Ruth Miskin Facebook:

Free e-books for home reading:


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